Agenda 2024


New Space Spain 2024 Schedule

Check out the full program for New Space Spain 2024.

Day 1 – Thursday, September 26

9:00 AM

Registration and Documentation Delivery

Afundación Venue Address: Policarpo Sanz, 24-26, 36202, Vigo, Pontevedra

9:30 AM

Opening and Welcome

10:00 AM

Conference: Challenges and Achievements of New Space in Spain

  • Guillermo Lamelas – CEO of Alén Space

10:30 AM

Panel Discussion. At the Forefront of Space-Based Services

  • Isolina Pérez Donnelly – Sales Director of Alén Space (Moderator)
  • Carlos Fernández – CEO of Telespazio Ibérica
  • Juan Tomás Hernani – CEO of Satlantis
  • Juan Merino – Head of Space System at Startical
  • Jaume Sanpera – CEO and co-founder of Sateliot
  • Franciso Vilhena – CEO of Geosat

11:30 AM

Coffee Break – Networking

*Sponsored by PLD Space

12:00 PM

Conference. Space as a Key Area for Security

  • Lieutenant-Colonel Juan Soriano Paradinas – Space Command (Mespa)

12:30 PM

Panel Discussion. Key Capabilities for Global Leadership

  • TBC (Moderator)
  • Markel Aramberri – Business Development Director of Satlantis
  • Vicente Díaz – Managing Director and co-founder of DHV Technology
  • Pablo Gallego – VP of Sales & Customers at PLD Space
  • Francho García – CEO of Arkadia Space
  • Yanina Hallax – CEO and co-founder of UARX Space
  • Manuel Lobeira – CEO of Acorde Technologies

1:30 PM

Entrepreneurship Space: New Space Startups

2:00 PM

Lunch – Networking

4:00 PM

Panel Discussion: Open Opportunities in European Space

  • Roberto Prieto-Cerdeira – LEO-PNT Project Leader at the European Space Agency (Moderator)
  • César Bernal – Sales Manager at PLD Space
  • Miguel Ángel Molina – Space Council Chairman at GMV
  • Borja Portillo – Head of Sales and Strategy for Defence at Airbus Space Systems
  • Ignacio Tourné – Business Development Manager at Deimos Space
  • Emilio José Viedma Charles – BD Senior Manager in Indra Espacio

5:00 PM

Conference: Challenges of the Spanish Space Agency

  • Juan Carlos Cortés – Director of the Spanish Space Agency (AEE)

5:30 PM

Panel Discussion. Joining Forces: Spanish Space Agency and Industry

  • Fernando Aguado – Head of Aerospace Projects, Director of Agrupación Estratégica Aeroespacial and Professor at the University of Vigo (Moderator)
  • Vicente Díaz – Managing Director and co-founder of DHV Technology
  • Juan Enrique Gonzalez Laguna – Managing Director of Startical
  • Isabel Pérez Grande – Director of Science, Technology, and Innovation Spanish Space Agency
  • Mariella Graziano – Executive Director – Strategy – Flight Segment – Aerospace at GMV
  • José María Pérez – Head of the National Programmes Department of the Spanish Space Agency

6:30 PM

End of Day One

9:00 PM

Official Dinner

*Sponsored by GMV

Palacio de la Oliva Address: Rúa Oliva, 2, 36202, Vigo, Pontevedra

Day 2 – Friday, september 27

9:00 AM

Registration and Documentation Delivery

Sede Afundación Address: Policarpo Sanz, 24-26, 36202, Vigo, Pontevedra

10:00 AM

Panel Discussion. Public Actors in New Space in Spain

  • Teresa Riesgo – Secretary General for Innovation of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, and President of the CDTI (Moderator)
  • Fernando Aguado – Head of Aerospace Projects, Director of Agrupación Estratégica Aeroespacial and Professor at the University of Vigo
  • Josep Colomé – Director of the Area for the Promotion of the Space Sector of Catalonia
  • Ángel Luis Moratilla – Deputy Director General of Space Systems at INTA
  • Álex Oscoz – Principal Investigator of the IACTEC Space project at the Canary Islands Astrophysics Institute (IAC)
  • Miguel A. Salas-Natera – Associate Professor and researcher, expert in Low Profile and Digital Satellite Antennas and Systems at the Polytechnic University of Madrid

11:00 AM

Conference. Integrating the Best of Both Worlds

  • Miguel Ángel Molina – Space Council Chairman at GMV

11:30 AM

Coffee Break – Networking

*Sponsored by Ienai Space

12:00 PM

Conference. Boosting New Space within the ESA

  • Emilio Vez – Head of the Industrial Policy Section en la Agencia Espacial Europea

12:30 PM

ESA Technology Broker Space

1:00 PM

Panel Discussion. A Window to Ibero-American New Space

  • María Cristina Vives Ruiz – Space Business Line Director in Indra Espacio (Moderator)
  • Renato A. Borges – Coordinator of the Laboratory of Simulation and Control of Aerospace Systems of the University of Brasilia
  • Matías Campos Abad – CEO and founder of Astralintu Space Technologies
  • Livio Gratton – Secretary of Science and Technology of the Province of Salta (Argentina)
  • Loreto Moraga – President of the Chilean Space Association (Achide)

2:00 PM

Closing and Lunch

Download the New Space Spain Program